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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal 👋 Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

Any ideas submitted will be immediately visible on the portal for others to vote on, please do not include anything in your ideas you do not wish to be shared with others.


All ideas

Showing 281

Messaging Functionality for In Cab/Mobile

One of the really useful features of the Mayrise In Cab software was the ability to Direct Message between the In Cab user and the back office. As our waste operatives/drivers aren't provided with a mobile phone, this functionality was widely used...
willis warden about 3 years ago in Alloy Mobile 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Custom Tabs based on AQS Query

Provide the option to define custom tabs for designs by supplying the parameterised AQS queries. This is separate from stencil
Jonathan Shaw almost 5 years ago in Alloy Web 0 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted

Quick Activity Complete

The ability for a popup dialog window to ask for all manatory (at completion) fields when using either the large "status" button in the activity detail screen or by press and hold on the map screen
Guest over 3 years ago in Alloy Mobile 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Geometry area should use hectares before km2

When drawing polygon geometry, area is given in m2 upto 10,000m2 which is equivalent of 1 hectare however, anything over this is given in km2 ie 1ha = 0.01km2 By using hectares, a greater area precision would be given. Hectares could be used for a...
Guest over 1 year ago in Alloy Web 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Permissions - filtering options

It would be good if you could add a filter option that would allow us to filter on designs etc that have no permissions set. It would also be good if we could filter on designs etc that have a context of customer. Finally when creating a group it ...
James Gladwin over 1 year ago in Alloy Web 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Ability to be able to use WFS secured by Username and Password not API key

As a system admin I want to display data from other systems in Alloy using my WFS feeds secured by username and password So that I do not need to load read only assets into Alloy. Success Criteria Be able to use a WFS that is secured by username a...
Guest over 3 years ago in Alloy Web 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Context : Module should have option to turn off READ ONLY Status

This would remove the issue of items that have been cloned having duplicate information embedded in them that can not be manipulated after the cloning has happened. An asset had unique information that was key to a data set I was working on, and n...
Guest over 1 year ago in Alloy Web 0 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted

Standardising the SG Electrical and SG Structure Condition fields on the General tab for fresh input

Dear Alloy, I attach a word document explaining a change to the system I would like to see implemented to stop a dual selection in a certain field
Guest almost 2 years ago in Alloy Web 1 ⛔Will not do

Identifying the attribute name of a column within the a saved query

I have a design which captures inspections. The design has a number of look up attributes linked (e.g. Litter, Dog Fouling, Graffiti) to another design. When I create a saved query the issue I experience is that I am unable to identify which attri...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Alloy Web 0 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted

Timestamp Photo's from General Waste Events

When taking photos in general waste events, it will not timestamp them regardless of settings. Can we have them work the same as when you take a photo through any other section of Alloy Mobile
Guest almost 2 years ago in Alloy Mobile 0 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted