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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal đź‘‹ Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

Any ideas submitted will be immediately visible on the portal for others to vote on, please do not include anything in your ideas you do not wish to be shared with others.


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Showing 247 of 247

Audit - Display Values not Item ID

When trying to use the audit for inspections and Jobs the changes are displayed with the Item ID rather than the actual value that these relate to making the audit checking cumbersome. Can the audit display the actual value rather than the item ID's?
Paul Hocking 3 days ago in Alloy Web 0

Editing user details

Errors take place during the creation of the user account, typo e.g. spelling errors, incorrect email address etc...Currently the application does not allow you to edit these details and is locked once the use starts to have any items linked. Erro...
Guest 10 days ago in Alloy Web 0

When opening data explorer from layer call it the layer rather than design name

When opening data explorer from a layer, open the tab as the layer name rather than the design name. This would make it easier if you had multiple tabs open from layers which originate from the same design as image below shows which are 3 differen...
Guest 16 days ago in Alloy Web 0

Disabled users to not count to licence total

When people go on leave and another user needs to replace them temporarily, you have to take users out and input the new ones as the disabled function doesn't prevent them from being counted in the licence number. It would be much easier if the di...
Guest 2 months ago in Alloy Web 0

Text wrapping URLs in reports

In reports currently text wrapping sometimes ignores URL's when using the flow pdf. This has caused issues with reports not being produced correctly in pdf format. Could you please review this - linked to support call 00225817
Guest 9 days ago in Alloy Web 0

Control the amount and size of icons shown on tasks on mobile

In the past few weeks we have seen linear tasks have more than one icon on them. This is causing an issue when viewing tasks that are near each other, as there can be situations where smaller tasks are covered/hidden by an icon of a neighbouring t...
Stuart Turner about 1 month ago in Alloy Mobile 1

Ability to sort by Estimated Start Date

User Story As a ganger I want to sort my jobs by estimated start time So that I can ensure I am starting jobs in order based on estimated start time Background Within Alloy mobile we currently have a sort available for "Estimated Start Time", this...
Andrew Hardyman-Richards about 2 months ago in Alloy Mobile 1 Future Consideration

My location dot on mobile app - ability to size or change colour

Our safety team would like to be able to change size of location dot or the colour of the dot within settings as sometimes it can be too small for some users and the colours match some of the other icons on the map
Guest 19 days ago in Alloy Mobile 0

Confirmation you want to close job if you hit the back arrow and fields have been raised.

Our safety team have raised an idea out of frustrations when they have accidentally hit the back arrow when creating a job. Could there be a confirmation question if any fields have been populated so they could hit no if it was by accident.
Guest 19 days ago in Alloy Mobile 0

View what groups/roles/user a permission is assigned to

At the moment you have to click a group, go into the permission editor look up the attribute and see what is assigned for that group. It would be useful to be able to look at an attribute and see how has the permissions and to what level. For exam...
Guest about 1 month ago in Alloy Web 0 Future Consideration