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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal 👋 Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

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All ideas

Showing 278

Confirmation you want to close job if you hit the back arrow and fields have been raised.

Our safety team have raised an idea out of frustrations when they have accidentally hit the back arrow when creating a job. Could there be a confirmation question if any fields have been populated so they could hit no if it was by accident.
Guest 7 months ago in Alloy Mobile 0 📋Registered

Layers that are visible, but not selectable

It is great that layers can be made see through, but it would be even better if it was possible to make it so you can see the layer, but not click on it. For example we have our maintenance areas as locations of interest and have set them up as la...
James Gladwin over 1 year ago in Alloy Web 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Update waste group rounds automatically when a commercial waste arrangement round is changed.

Currently when we change the round on a commercial waste arrangement the waste group is not automatically updated with the new round. We consider this to be a fault in the system however we have been directed to raise this as an enhancement for th...
Samuel Clark 7 months ago in Alloy Web 0 📋Registered

Option to run invoices manually after data has been validated instead of automatically

For commercial waste services, invoices are generated automatically from the collections set up on a premise and the customer account details. Whilst this makes generating invoices easier it does mean if anything has been entered onto the system i...
Samuel Clark 7 months ago in Alloy Web 0 📋Registered

Option to save filters for Layer Tags

As a Layer Manager user, I want to have the option to save the filters we have selected against layer tags so that I do not need to reselect these each time when switching projects. This will be useful due to the amount of layers we require for ev...
Guest about 3 years ago in Alloy Web 2 🧑‍🔬Researching

routing - directional arrows

When viewing routes on the mobile , it would be alot easier if the route had a directional arrows to follow the way the route is plotted. ( like the arrows you can view on the back office)
Guest 7 months ago in Alloy Mobile 0 📋Registered

HTTP Workflow Response

Hi, Could a method be provided to return the reponse from an HTTP Workflow node to a variable ? e.g. logging into an URL with a Post Request that returns a API key. This would be used then be used in the next HTTP node as token in the header. Anot...
Guest over 2 years ago in Alloy Web 1 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted

Collapsible groups or separators and headers for basemap layers

We now have 20 base maps (aerial photos, historic maps, scanned tiles) and it is looking unorganised. Having separators and headers or collapsible groups would be helpful.
Guest over 2 years ago in Alloy Web 0 🧑‍🔬Researching

Separate permission groups for running and editing reports

Following a discussion with Causeways it has been highlighted that users require the reports manager group in order to run reports on Alloy. This permission group allows users to not only run reports but also create new ones and edit existing ones...
Samuel Clark 8 months ago in Alloy Web 3 ⛔Will not do

Nearest Neighbour Conditional Operator

The conditional operators like GeomWithin / GeomIntersects are powerful tools, it would be great if we could also have a GeomNearest operator, for when the two entities don't intersect but we would still like to link them. If it could be done we w...
Tom H over 2 years ago in Alloy Web 0 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted