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Status 🧑‍🔬Researching
Categories Alloy Mobile
Created by Iwan Griffith-Blake
Created on Jan 27, 2022

Permission out Completion Time from Mobile

Currently our crews are able to change the status of a job, however they are also able to then modify the completion time after this.

If we permission them out of it, they are then unable to sync the job.

Our crews should never be able to modify completion time, as this would affect our reporting and companies SLAs if abused.

We should be able to stop mobile users from being able to update the Completion Time attribute. They should just be able to change the status to Complete and the Completion Time will then update automatically.

    Feb 1, 2022

    Hi there, you're right, by completing a job on the mobile the operative is updating both the status and completed time and requires ReadWrite permission on both attributes. A workflow could be set up to update the completed time when the status changes (meaning AlloyBot updates the completed time), however, the time will be the sync time, not the status change time.

    Perhaps a workflow and report to capture any jobs where the completed time had moved by x amount of time could help you spot this and manage with your operatives.

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