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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal đź‘‹ Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

Any ideas submitted will be immediately visible on the portal for others to vote on, please do not include anything in your ideas you do not wish to be shared with others.


All ideas

Showing 255 of 255

Sort Project by custom attributes

The ability to sort projects by custom attributes on Alloy mobile. E.g. a delivery date attribute on a bin delivery project.
Guest 1 day ago in Alloy Mobile 0

Additional formatting options in reports

It would be useful to add borders to repeaters, line separators etc. to make reports clearer.
Becca Phillips 7 days ago in Alloy Web 0

Disabled users to not count to licence total

When people go on leave and another user needs to replace them temporarily, you have to take users out and input the new ones as the disabled function doesn't prevent them from being counted in the licence number. It would be much easier if the di...
Guest 5 months ago in Alloy Web 0 Added to Backlog

Chronological Sorting Options for Saved Queries

Our organization has accumulated quite a collection of saved queries by this point. By default these queries are listed chronologically, with the list beginning at the top with the oldest queries, and the newest queries at the bottom. Would it be ...
Tom H 2 months ago in Alloy Web 2

Workflow Groups

Currently all workflows are displayed as just one big long list of Workflows. Idea: An option to group workflows, with the ability to active and deactivate all workflows within a group. User Story As a workflow admin I want to be able tag/group wo...
Guest about 1 month ago in Alloy Web 0 Future Consideration

Alpha (transparency) of a selected objects

Allow the Alpha (transparency) of a selected objects be modified from the style visualisation settings
Guest 21 days ago in Alloy Web 0

When selecting fields in Data Explorer, it ticks them in green, but on linked items it doesnt show selected items, they do appear in the right hand list, but as the list grows it takes more scrolling

No description provided
Guest about 1 month ago in Alloy Web 0

Editing user details

Errors take place during the creation of the user account, typo e.g. spelling errors, incorrect email address etc...Currently the application does not allow you to edit these details and is locked once the use starts to have any items linked. Erro...
Guest 3 months ago in Alloy Web 0 Future Consideration

Allowing WFS Layers to accessible in Mobile App

A lot of the layers that our organisation have are not managed within Alloy, or come from an external provider, therefore, exist as WFS layers in Alloy. These WFS layers would be useful for site agents, inspectors and operatives who work on site l...
Guest 2 months ago in Alloy Mobile 0

Item forms to work offline

If there is no signal when our inspectors click on 'add defect' (even if for a split second), the item form is not enforced, which means inspectors see lots of attributes that aren't applicable to them, and as a result causes a lot of problems. Ho...
James Gladwin 6 months ago in Alloy Mobile 0 Added to Backlog