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Categories Alloy Web
Created by Jamie Scoltock
Created on Feb 3, 2025

Have end of the month as a parameter on workflow trigger date

When building your AQS, you can select relevant times as start of month and end of month. However once building a workflow to trigger an attached report to the AQS, you have to select a date - it would be really helpful if you could select 'end of month', as if we select 28th (for the shortest month) there can be 3 missing days for any attached works

    Feb 27, 2025

    Hi Jamie,

    Thanks for raising this one with us. Although this isn;t going to be taken forward in the near future I thought I would post an update.

    A simple workaround to this could be to run the workflow in the early hours of the first day of the month. This will ensure that any actions you have will include all data from the previous month. Would this be helpful?



  • Attach files
  • Jamie Scoltock
    Feb 27, 2025

    Hi Andy,

    would that not just return 0 items as it's running essentially on the first day, looking for anything raised between the first and last day of the month?

    I have just changed the report to a weekly output and ran Greater than the first day to Less than 6 days 23 hours and 55 mins from the first day.

    Thanks, Jamie.