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Product Alloy Web
Created by Tom H
Created on Aug 6, 2024

Chronological Sorting Options for Saved Queries

Our organization has accumulated quite a collection of saved queries by this point. By default these queries are listed chronologically, with the list beginning at the top with the oldest queries, and the newest queries at the bottom.

Would it be possible to set the default behaviour so the list was sorted chronologically with the most recent queries at the top and the oldest ones at the bottom? Or possibly to expand the options for sorting a little like the tab settings? For example an option to reverse the chronology, a bit like the quick sort option in Excel for either A > Z, or Z > A, by either name or creation date. Or an option to search the saved queries by the username of the individual who created them?

    Sep 25, 2024

    Hi Tom,

    This requirement should already be covered by search settings - This will allow you to change the chronological order of the search.

    Remember that the saved queries are just items in the system within the design "saved queries". You should be able to add additional attributes and interfaces to this design and then build a "Query Explorer" saved query to then allow for more detailed searching via a data explorer query.

    Have a try and let me know how you get on.



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  • Tom H
    Sep 25, 2024

    Thanks Andy, I see what you mean - it is possible to configure your search suggestions on the front page search and add a custom suggestion for 'saved queries'.

    It may be helpful if the Saved Queries as a search option was added to the default list as I had no idea it was available there.

    It's neat that you can sort by A>Z, that should help Liam where the queries are prefixed with department names, and searching saved queries from the front page is quicker than from within the Data Explorer, as you have to select a design when opening a new tab which adds an unnecessary step.

    And if I understand this right, to expand the query searching toolkit, we can edit the Saved Queries design to include custom attributes, which we can then develop a further saved query, which we can use to search the other saved queries based on those custom attributes, perhaps creating pick lists to ensure consistency in the custom attribute values. That might be a fun project to expand the saved queries functionality.

    I think it would still be useful to add the same sorting options to the Saved Queries search within Data Explorer as are available on the front page search, as it is often the case that a user would want to access saved queries from that location.

    I also think it might still be a good idea if the searchable / sortable system attributes of the Core Saved Queries design be expanded beyond Title, Subtitle, Created Time & Last Edited Time, perhaps to inherit 'Created By' or 'Team' from the user who generated them, this way there would be available to users in the front page sorting options without need to access the 'Saved Queries Saved Query', and would be a useful tool for administrators when housekeeping. It could also be useful if there were system attribute similar to 'Last Edited By' called 'Last Accessed Date Time' and 'Last Accessed By' to help us understand if a query was being used and by whom, but not essential.

    Thanks again Andy, If I have any more questions or ideas on the subject of Saved Queries I'll add them here.

  • Liam Brennan
    Aug 7, 2024

    This would be a lifesaver for us. I know you can search with text, but that relies on all users knowing exactly what all the queries are called so isn't always practical. We've prefixed all of our queries with department names, but they're still in a jumble as the list isn't sorted.