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Status 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted
Categories Alloy Web
Created by Michael Daw
Created on Mar 2, 2023

Auto deletion of waste container Geometry from a Parent.

When a waste container is moved from one parent waste group to another, the Geometry of that container remains within the initial parent WG and has to be manually deleted from it. When the container is attached to the new parent its Geometry has to be added to this parent also as it's visual inclusion requires it.

If the Geometry isn't removed from the initial WG the Waste Container will still remain visually part of that WG while showing also against the new parent.

My suggestion is to have an option to delete the Geometry of the container included at the parent deletion stage in order to accommodate the need for this to happen easily.

It may also be worthwhile to consider if a containers Geometry can automatically be attached to a parent in the instance where this is demanded manually at present.

    May 9, 2023

    Hi! Thanks for raising this idea. I've attached it to one of our pieces of work in our backlog, however, this sort of automation is possible now using Workflow Computations ( Unfortunately, this is only possible through interacting with the Alloy API at present. We are working on ways to make Workflow Computations through the Workflow Designer and that is the piece of work I have attached this idea to. So please do check back here for any progress updates.

    Thanks again!

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