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Status 🧑‍🔬Researching
Categories Alloy Web
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 25, 2022

Button to transfer form to stencil (& back)

Having just spent half an hour building a form for a new design, it would be great if there was a button to easily copy it over to the design's stencil.

Likewise, many existing designs have stencils set up and it would be great to build forms from these.

    Oct 31, 2022

    Hi! Thanks for raising this. Migrating an Item Form to a Stencil or vice versa would have quite a few complications as the control set between the two are not shared. We will look into what we can do to help shorten the process so you don't have to start from scratch every time. Thanks again!

  • Attach files
  • Alexander Croston
    Jun 6, 2023

    A solution to this would be a great enhancement, even if its just an export .csv of the order of attributes (stripping out incompatible elements), that you could then import into a new stencil / item form. It would get you a long way of the way there and save a lot of time.