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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal đź‘‹ Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

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Status Future Consideration
Product Alloy Web
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 1, 2022

Improve data explorer display visibility

Certain fields in Data Explorer cannot display data and be filtered. Instead, multiple attribute columns are required to display and filter data sets. These are not next to each other and when saving the queries the column locations change, meaning it's not easy to see the content and filter on all columns. I.e. Status will have a column that shows the 'status name' and another that shows 'one result'. If these could be moved next to each other or have the 'one result' field actually show the word/data being selected, this would help.

    Sep 5, 2022

    Hi, thanks for submitting this idea, this is an area we would like to make some improvements. We'll review these suggestions when we next schedule some work on the Data Explorer.

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