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Status 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted
Categories Alloy Web
Created by Iwan Blake
Created on Aug 18, 2022

Ability to report on a month previous using AQS relative time

We want to automate our reports as much as possible. So having the ability to to a run a report that grabs us everything from the previous month would be good. Currently you have to manually choose the dates, this can get a bit time consuming when we have to run many separate reports, it is not possible using relative time.

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  • Iwan Blake
    Feb 2, 2023

    Hi John,

    This is exactly what we want yes. We have many monthly reports and we want to automate these. So we want to be able to grab all jobs for example completed that month, but the months. But currently we can't automate these as we have to go in manually and change the dates.

    Currently one of our company goals is to automate all of our monthly reporting, but this is currently blocking us from doing this.

    Kind regards,


  • Iwan Blake
    Aug 30, 2022

    Hi Jon, That is correct, we want to use relative time so that we can have a report set up and a workflow that runs that report for the previous months data.

  • Jonathan Shaw
    Aug 30, 2022

    Hi Iwan, thanks for the idea, just wanted to double-check something. It's currently possible to specify a time period that is a number of days before the start of the month, so the 28 days leading up to 01/08/2022 for example.

    However, is it right that what you need here is the ability to define the entire month, so the time period flexes with the different month lengths?

