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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal 👋 Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

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Status 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted
Categories Alloy Web
Created by Tom H
Created on Jul 18, 2022

Nearest Neighbour Conditional Operator

The conditional operators like GeomWithin / GeomIntersects are powerful tools, it would be great if we could also have a GeomNearest operator, for when the two entities don't intersect but we would still like to link them.

If it could be done we would want to be able to set a maximum distance within which the entities could be considered neighbours, also to be able to use intersect first, then nearest for the remainder.

It would be straightforward when relating points to points, but when relating points to lines or polygons you would want the relationship to be calculated from the part of the line or polygon that is closest to the relatable entity, not necessarily the nearest vertex or the end points.

    Jul 18, 2022

    Hi, thanks for the idea. This has been raised before and is a useful suggestion, I'll link these up for reference

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