On previous iterations of Alloy web it was possible to reorder layers styles by dragging and dropping them. This was an extremely useful feature and it would improve the quality of the user experience if it was possible for it to return. When creating the numerous layer styles it is often desirable for them to cascade in a logical fashion, it can be quite frustrating when it is realised an extra layer style needs to be added but it will now be out of sequence at the bottom of the list.
It would also be useful if you could drag and drop the layers themselves into a different order, rather than at present where they are sequenced in alphabetical order, or filtered using tags.
It would also be neat if you could cut and paste a layer style from one layer to another to speed-up general housekeeping.
Also, in terms of the way the layer is displayed in the main window when activated, it would be helpful if the order in which the corresponding items are displayed on the main screen mirrored the order in which they are listed in the layer style panel, i.e. if a layer style is placed above another layer style in the layers menu, then the corresponding items when shown on the map / main screen would overlay items further down the list. I’m not sure if that is already how it works but wanted to just throw it in here for consideration just in case.