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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal đź‘‹ Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

Any ideas submitted will be immediately visible on the portal for others to vote on, please do not include anything in your ideas you do not wish to be shared with others.

Status Future Consideration
Product Alloy Web
Created by Ryan Cuthbert
Created on Apr 5, 2022

Ability to add a description to a design, to explain what the design is used for

To clarify – I don’t mean the standard “Description” attribute that can be added to designs to be used on items within the design. I mean an optional core description on the “General” tab that can hold text explaining what the design is used for, who makes use of it, what it links to, what information a lookup list holds, or anything else relevant to the users.

I think this would help anyone viewing the design – whether it’s IT users who have configured Alloy, new/existing business users of the system, or Yotta support when investigating issues – understand at a glance what the design is used for. Given that the names of designs have to be concise, it may not be obvious what a design is just going by the name of it.

Please see the attached image as an example.

    Apr 11, 2022

    Hi, Thanks for the idea. We are considering adding comments/descriptions to all features (Designs, Interfaces, Layers, Workflows etc) with standard features presented with read only versions of this information. You'll be able to add your own descriptions to custom features too.

  • Attach files
  • Ryan Cuthbert
    Apr 8, 2022

    Very good point about those other areas, Adam. Great examples that would help everyone as well.

  • Adam Tracy
    Apr 8, 2022

    This would be awesome to have for everything - for interfaces, workflows, imports, etc. Ideally also the Core and Module Designs/Interfaces would come with their own descriptions.