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Status 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted
Categories Alloy Web
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 25, 2022

Data Explorer - filter options

Currently when you add a table into a DE query you can filter on only one item in that table. It would be good, and help users who are not comfortable with AQS to be able to select multiple items, like in the example below I can only select equals A road, but I want A B & C. To do this I have to add a query in AQS

Moving some more filtes in like between, when the filed is date etc would also be useful.

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  • Guest
    May 24, 2023

    Why do only certain attributes have filters associated with them? If all attributes had that option the DE experience would be improved. A scroll bar on the Data Explorer to move quicker down results would also be a boon