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Alloy Ideas Portal

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Status Will not implement
Product Alloy Web
Created by David Shepherd
Created on Nov 23, 2021

Geometry format in Data Explorer inconsistent with API

Items retrieved via API have geometry in GeoJSON format. Items exported from Data Explorer have geometry in WKT. Therefore the initial seeding of data in another system requires geometry to be converted which requires the use of another tool and is inconvenient.

Having the option to export from Data Explorer in GeoJSON would be a welcomed.

    Nov 29, 2021

    Exporting geometry as GeoJSON in the csv export files from Data Explorer would require converting the GeoJSON to a string for export. This would then likely require an additional tool to parse the string before import, hence the use of WKT (Well Known Text) as the export format as this should be directly usable by most GIS tools. We have plans to add ESRI Shape file exporting which we hope with solve this issue for you in near future.

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