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Alloy Ideas Portal

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Status Future Consideration
Product Alloy Mobile
Created by Andrew Hardyman-Richards
Created on Jun 11, 2024

Ability to sort by Estimated Start Date

User Story

As a ganger

I want to sort my jobs by estimated start time

So that I can ensure I am starting jobs in order based on estimated start time


Within Alloy mobile we currently have a sort available for "Estimated Start Time", this sort function is actually using the "Start Date" attribute in Alloy.

This idea is to add the Estimated start time to Alloy Mobile.

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  • Brian Hicks
    Jul 2, 2024

    The misnamed sort order referred to above inadvertently gave us the impression we could sort by estimated start, and we thought the sort wasn't working, rather than it sorting by something else. This development would give a huge boost to our ability to use Alloy more extensively for planned works.