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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal 👋 Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

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Status 👷🏽‍♀️Promoted
Categories Alloy Mobile
Created by Daniel Sheppard
Created on Jun 23, 2023

Pan map whilst editing geometry

On mobile when creating or editing geometry it is not possible to pan the map, making it extremely difficult/impossible to record liner assets such as ditches or pipe runs as the entire asset does not fit on the map screen when zoomed in sufficiently. Also, the map screen does not move with the GPS position to pan the map automatically as you move.

    Jul 25, 2023

    Hello, thank you for sharing your idea. I appreciate the use case you presented. It seems that finding a solution for this particular issue can be tricky, as we have previously received feedback from other users who found it difficult to plot on the map whilst the panning feature was enabled in early versions of Alloy. We can take this away to evaluate further.

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