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Alloy Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Alloy Ideas Portal đź‘‹ Here, you'll be able to browse improvement ideas raised by our community, vote on ideas you agree with or even raise your own ideas. We review all ideas raised and we endeavour to respond to all raised ideas.

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Status Future Consideration
Product Alloy Mobile
Created by James Gladwin
Created on Apr 7, 2022

S81 defect logging and uploading to Street Manager

Ability to log potential section 81 defects on mobile that then automatically pushes into Street Manager.

    Apr 27, 2022

    Hi, thanks for the idea. This is an area we'd like to explore. Currently, the Street Manager integration has been more promoter focused. In the meantime, if you'd like to capture this information on-site, you could create a custom S81 design in Alloy, operatives could then create these on the mobile. These wouldn't be submitted to SM automatically but you'd have all the information captured in Alloy in order to work through and raise directly in SM.

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    Nov 30, 2022

    We have created a S81 design in Alloy which mirrors the S81 form in Street manager (SM), ideally now we just want this to push into SM and get the relevant reference number back. It would be great if this was a one or two click process rather than copy and paste into SM as it is now